How Can I Avoid a Car Accident on St. Patrick’s Day?
Published: Mar 9, 2022 in Drunk Driving
St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most popular drinking holidays in the country. Whether people celebrate on the weekend or on March 17, or both, millions of Americans get behind the wheel when they probably should not.
Car accidents and deaths spike around holidays such as St. Patrick’s Day when lots of people drink more than what they normally do. Knowing this, police departments are out in force with random DUI checkpoints and extra patrols to pull over drivers who appear to be intoxicated. Here are some top tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe this St. Patrick’s Day.
Tips for Drivers to Stay Safe on St. Patrick’s Day
Take a cab. If you plan to go out drinking on St. Patrick’s Day, do not drive. That is far and away the best advice. Getting arrested for a DUI can leave you without a driver’s license, result in costly fines, maybe even jail time, and could impact your ability to keep or get a job.
Therefore, one of the best ways to avoid an accident is to simply not drive. Take a cab instead. Whether you use an old school taxi or a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft, do not get behind the wheel of your car and do not let your friends drive either.
Take the bus. Some places offer free shuttle service on St. Patrick’s Day. If your town does, use this service. It is a great benefit.
If you are going to a large city to celebrate, consider taking a bus with a group of friends. Chartering a bus might seem expensive at first, but when you spread the cost out over a dozen or more people, it is much more palatable. And it is much less expensive than a DUI.
Use a designated driver. People often scoff at being the designated driver. However, it is one of the most important things you can do to help keep everyone safe. If you are going out drinking, have a friend going with you to refrain from drinking.
If you are going to be the designated driver, do not drink an ounce of alcohol. Many people think they can have a few drinks, then sober up the last hour before you head home. That is a bad idea, as the alcohol is still running through your system.
Get a hotel room. Especially if you are going to the big city to party, do not try to drive all the way back home. Although driving under the influence is never a good idea, driving long distances after a day of drinking can have catastrophic consequences.
Even if you are staying in St. Clair County, get a room for the night. Not only does it give you the chance to continue the party after the bars close, but also it is much cheaper than getting a DUI. Plus, you know that you and all your friends will be completely safe.
Have a party at home. Instead of going out, throw a party to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. This can be just as fun and much less expensive than going out to the bars.
Especially for friends with children, this can be a great way to involve the entire family.
Celebrate early. Many people do not like to be in an empty bar, so they wait until later in the day to go out. When the bar closes, that is when they hop back in their cars and head home.
Although a car accident can occur at any time of day, if you celebrate earlier in the day, you can be home before even more people are out and about. Statistics show that car accidents on St. Patrick’s Day spike after dark. Therefore, if you go to a morning parade, out to lunch, and have an enjoyable day, you can be home well before the masses go out binge drinking.
Stay hydrated. Great advice whenever you drink alcohol, make sure you remember to drink water. The best advice is to alternate an alcoholic beverage with a glass of water.
Even if you chug the water to get back to drinking, consuming water will help flush the alcohol through your system. This can make for a less unpleasant morning tomorrow.
Eat something. Just like staying hydrated is important, eating food is crucial as well. Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Many younger St. Patrick’s Day partygoers think they will feel the effects of drinking faster on an empty stomach.
All that really does is make your hangover worse. Food will help absorb alcohol, making tomorrow morning a little easier. Remember that eating food will not stop you from having a good time.
Pace yourself. Know your limits. It is important to try to keep your alcohol intake to just one drink an hour. Space it out even further, if possible.
Pacing your alcohol intake will ensure you do not overdo the fun. This also keeps you safe at the bar. If you overindulge, someone could take advantage of you. That is why it is always important to never let your drink out of your sight or to accept a drink from someone you do not know.
St. Clair County Car Accident Lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC Help Clients Recover from Accidents Caused by Negligent Drivers
Even if you do everything right, you cannot control what other drivers do. They may not act as safely as you and cause an accident. If you or a loved one has been in a car accident involving an impaired or negligent driver, you have legal options to hold the driver accountable. Reach out to the St. Clair County car accident lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC. Our experienced legal team will investigate the circumstances of the accident and fight to secure the compensation for which you are entitled. Call us today at 618-277-3644 or contact us online for a free consultation. Located in Swansea, Illinois, we serve clients in St. Louis, Belleville, East St. Louis, Edwardsville, Granite City, Waterloo, Chester, Carbondale, St. Clair County, Madison County, Monroe County, Randolph County, and other regions throughout Southern Illinois.