Settlement Achieved in Pharmaceutical Class Action
Published: Sep 23, 2016 in Mass Action, Wrongful DeathIf you or a loved one has suffered from a large company’s faulty product, you may feel like the world is against you in pursuing compensation for the harm this product caused you or your family. However, the outlook of taking on such an endeavor becomes less bleak, when you remember that there is strength in numbers. In these situations, it is important to discuss all your options with a knowledgeable product liability attorney.
Recently, the skilled product liability attorneys with The Cates Law Firm, LLC assisted a family when the side-effects of a popular prescription drug reputedly caused the death of their 19-year-old daughter. It became clear that their daughter’s case was not an isolated incident and because this claim involved various plaintiffs, complicated scientific information, and legal principals, the attorneys with The Cates Law Firm joined with the other law firms in a single class action lawsuit or a mass tort. Due to this tactical decision, all the parties involved collectively negotiated and achieved a considerable settlement, which was proportionally divided among those affected in the class action. While the amount that this particular family received could not restore the loss they experienced, the decision to retain The Cates Law Firm, LLC was essential to providing some much-needed peace of mind and financial relief.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.