What are Common Surgeries After Car Accidents?
Published: Apr 8, 2021 in Auto Accident, Personal Injury
Many car accident victims end up with injuries that require surgical treatment followed by physical therapy. The costs for even minor surgeries can add up quickly, often leading to high medical bills. Insurance claim settlements and personal injury lawsuits can help victims recover damages to pay surgical bills. In a severe or catastrophic injury case, compensation for pain and suffering might be available. Talking with a car accident lawyer can help a victim figure out how to proceed.
Several types of surgeries are common after collisions. Some common car accident injuries that require surgery include:
- Broken bones
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Back injuries
- Soft tissue sprains and strains
- Amputations
- Trapped or crushed limbs
- Internal bleeding and ruptured organs
- Face and mouth wounds
- Cuts and contusions
- Torn muscles, ligaments, and tendons
The following contains the most common surgeries after accidents.
Brain Surgeries
Brain surgery may be required immediately after a car accident or weeks down the road due to head damage. Depending upon the extent of the injury, doctors may recommend multiple brain surgeries. Since brain surgery is extremely complex and nuanced, the costs associated with even one surgery can be astronomical. After brain surgery, most victims can expect a long path to recovery, and some may never return to a normal condition.
Surgeries to Reset or Stabilize Bones or Address Joint Issues
Broken and fractured bones will heal in time and may be immobilized with just a splint or cast. Other bone breaks and fractures require surgery to help with proper recovery and realignment. Many surgeries may be needed after a bad break, particularly if the break is more complicated than a simple fracture.
Extensive physical therapy tends to accompany bone break surgeries. Some bone surgeries will need to be revisited later, such as hip and knee replacement surgeries. When determining fair damages on behalf of a victim, a car accident lawyer will take future surgeries into consideration based on evidence from doctors and experts.
Back and Neck Surgeries
Car crash victims often report back and neck problems after being in serious accidents. These can include anything from slipped discs to spinal cord injuries. Although physicians may first try non-invasive measures to lessen discomfort and improve mobility, surgeries can be needed to alleviate pain and restore function. Even with back or neck surgery, a victim may require pain management medications or have to switch career paths.
Cosmetic Surgeries
Cosmetic surgery may be required after a victim has been disfigured during a car accident. Cosmetic surgeons routinely aim to minimize scarring, uneven skin tone, and other anomalies to transform a victim’s appearance. Even with the most advanced modern medicine, the success of any cosmetic procedure can be limited to what is reasonable. This means the victim may need therapy to help rebuild a new identity.
Internal Bleeding and Related Surgeries
A victim who suffers internal rupturing and bleeding after a crash usually requires immediate emergency surgery and attention. In some situations, these types of surgeries can take hours to complete, depending upon how extensive the damage is.
Muscle, Tendon, and Ligament Repair Surgeries
Soft tissues can be stressed during a car accident. Although most stresses will heal with rest and time, others require surgery. For instance, doctors may need to reattach tendons or reposition muscles and ligaments. The recovery period after a soft tissue surgery varies according to the location of the injury, the type of surgery, and the severity of the damage.
Should I Get Surgery After a Car Accident?
Due to the costs associated with surgical procedures, a lot of car crash victims wonder if they should get surgery at all. Despite being in a difficult decision from a financial standpoint, scheduling surgery makes sense if a victim’s doctor recommends the procedure. Additionally, getting medical care upfront helps document that the surgery was necessary and directly linked to the car accident. Postponing necessary surgery gives insurance adjusters a reason to suggest that the surgery was unrelated to the crash.
Even if surgery seems unlikely down the road, a victim should still make and keep all their post-crash visits with medical personnel. These visits can help determine if surgery may be inevitable. Additionally, the records of those appointments will show why the doctor concluded that surgical intervention was the best choice.
Should I Accept an Insurance Settlement Offer?
Victims of car accidents who undergo surgeries need to think beyond their surgeries. A car accident victim should speak with a lawyer before accepting any settlement offer. Insurance companies try to limit the amount of money they pay out after collisions. They also do not automatically ask victims to document expected medical treatment after surgeries, such as visits to physical therapists, appointments with chiropractors, follow-up surgeries to replace artificial joints, or even psychotherapy to deal with problems.
What seems like a large settlement offer may actually be too low to cover a lifetime of medical bills linked to the car accident. A lawyer knows how to recover damages for their client. A lawyer can put together a strong case to compel the insurance company or courts to compensate an accident victim.
Illinois Car Accident Lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC Help Car Accident Victims Get Compensation for Surgeries
Surgery is often needed after a car accident. If you need compensation for surgery after a collision, one of our Illinois car accident lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC can help. Call us at 618-277-3644 or contact us online for a free consultation. Located in Swansea, Illinois, we serve clients throughout St. Louis, Belleville, East St. Louis, Edwardsville, Granite City, Waterloo, Chester, Carbondale, St. Clair County, Madison County, Monroe County, Randolph County, and other regions throughout southern Illinois.