How can I Drive Safely on St. Patrick’s Day?
Published: Mar 22, 2021 in Auto Accident, Drunk Driving, Personal Injury
Even as people meet outdoors, take safety precautions, and limit their gathering to a small group of friends amid the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many people will still attend St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Each year during St. Patrick’s Day, fatal drunk driving accidents occur. Drivers should prepare for the holiday festivities to ensure that they are safe.
On St. Patrick’s Day, bars host special events and groups of friends gather together to celebrate. For many people, the festivities are synonymous with drinking alcohol. Too often, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations end with people getting into their cars after having too many drinks to drive safely. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, about one-third of traffic fatalities are caused by drunk driving, and this percentage increases during St. Patrick’s Day.
Since people are at greater risk for car accidents during holidays that are often celebrated by drinking, it is important that motorists be extra cautious during St. Patrick’s Day. Every driver who sets out to go to a party with the intention of having a few drinks should plan ahead for the holiday festivities. Listed below are some ways that road users can prepare for a safe holiday.
Do Not Drink and Drive
The single most responsible way to enjoy a few drinks is to ensure that there is plan to get home safely. Every road user should remember that consuming even small amounts of alcohol can be dangerous. It can be difficult for people to gauge how alcohol may affect their driving ability until it is too late. A driver should carefully evaluate their alcohol consumption any time they plan to go out as well.
Plan Ahead
There are many safe and responsible ways to drink safely but they all start with good planning. Drivers should not make decisions after they have already consumed alcohol. Make arrangements to call a ridesharing or taxi service, plan the route home on public transit, or enlist a friend to serve as designated driver. Even if one does not think they will drink during a night out, it is helpful to have a plan in place in case they change their mind.
Be a Designated Driver for Friends and Loved Ones
One way for a driver to remain safe when they are out on St. Patrick’s Day might be for them to stay sober and offer to be the designated driver for their friends and loved ones. Drinking with friends and family during the holiday may be exciting, but actively making sure that they are safe is more important. This should be discussed with friends and loved ones ahead of time.
Stay Away from Questionable Drivers
Even those who opt to stay sober may still encounter danger on the roads. Pay close attention to other drivers who may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Swerving, quickly speeding up or slowing down, and other erratic driving behaviors should be reported immediately to law enforcement, so the authorities can remove the unsafe driver from the road. If it is possible, remember details about the car or the license plate number to help law officers.
What are the Possible Penalties of Drunk Driving?
A driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs can harm another person or themselves. For this reason, motorists should never drink and then drive. For some motorists, the consequences of getting caught for drunk driving is a significant deterrent. Many motorists are afraid of fines or license suspension. The severe consequences of drunk driving should make motorists avoid this dangerous behavior.
The statistics on drunk driving accidents indicate that impaired driving is still prevalent in the United States. If one is involved in a drunk driving collision due to no fault of their own, they are encouraged to speak to a car accident lawyer as soon as it is possible. Drunk driving collisions can be severe and lead to significant injuries. A car accident victim may be eligible for compensation for injuries and financial losses under certain circumstances. A lawyer will be able to determine if a personal injury claim is the best for their client.
St. Clair County Car Accident Lawyers at The Cates Law Firm, LLC Help Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents Secure Damages for Injuries
If you were seriously injured in an accident that was caused by a negligent drunk driver, you may be able to collect compensation for losses caused by the crash. You may be able to recover the costs of medical care, the wages lost while recovering, and other damages, including pain and suffering. A knowledgeable St. Clair county car accident lawyer at The Cates Law Firm, LLC can help you determine what types of compensation are appropriate and help you build a case. For more information and a free consultation, complete our online form or call us at 618-277-3644 today. We have an office located in Swansea, Illinois, and we serve clients in St. Louis, Belleville, East St. Louis, Edwardsville, Granite City, Waterloo, Chester, Carbondale, St. Clair County, Madison County, Monroe County, Randolph County, and other regions throughout Southern Illinois.